Wednesday, May 13, 2009

James at 2 months old

* Smiles a lot (he started smiling at us around 6 weeks old)
* Spends at least 1-2 hours a day laying on the couch talking to the curtains
* Has a variety of different cries (and I'm learning what they all mean)
* Sleeps 3-4 hours at a time during the night
* Fights sleep during the day
* Loves his pacifier
* Enjoys being strapped into the front carrier and doing chores with Mommy or Daddy
* Has a dimple on his right cheek when he smiles!
* Is wearing mostly 3-6 month outfits because he is so tall

This isn't the best picture but it is the most recent one I have of him. It was taken on Mother's Day right before my camera batteries died!


jinxi~ aka angi said...

Brooke, Im so proud of you for keeping journal of the amazing stepping stones. I think he is a cutie.. and that it is real cool that he smiles a lot.. he is loved!

Cherie said...

Awe Happy 2 months James! He's so cute!