What a journey. I got pushed on for 3.5 hours until the doctors finally agreed that I was just to big! Off to surgery we went. My mommy was very scared but she was brave for me. Turns out that there was a full overhand knot in the umbilical cord. I could have told them that but they just couldn't hear me. But don't worry, the knot never cinched and my pulse stayed a nice steady 140 for the whole ordeal. I saw Dad first. He was describing my cute hair and overall awesomeness. That Daddy is a good man you know. He was scared too but stayed brave for Mommy and Me.
After all was said and done, I came in to this world at 8:59 PM, weighing 8lbs and 9oz with a length of 22.25 Inches. I had great Apgar scores, nines across the board. Yeah, I am a bit of an overachiever. So anyway, just had to toot my own horn since Mom and Dad are so tired. Good morning world!
Love always,
James Edward Kerbs
I don't usually cry easily but this blog sure made me cry! He's beautiful! and Wow you were not kidding about the amount of hair!!
Gabriel wants to just keep looking at the picture and keeps saying "Wow he's a cutie!"
Congratulations Mommy, Daddy and James!
Absolutely beautiful!
Congratulations... To ALL of you!
Take care and enjoy!
That hair is AWESOME!!!
I prayed for you all yesterday and every time I woke up last night...I'm glad you all are ok!
Welcome to the world James and Happy Birthday.. You are a cutie, and that hair rocks.. Congratulations
What a hairy little dude! (The "little" is certainly debatable though). He's gorgeous, way to go Rod and Brooke! Welcome, James!
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm teary-eyed! He looks beautiful. I can't believe all the hair! Rest up Brooke.
YAY!!! Congrats mom and dad and Welcome little James!!!
*still can't remember my log in...
Dude, I'm alllllll sorts of crying. This is wonderful. I am so happy that you're an excellent writer, James. Your parents will be so proud of your typing skillz, too. :-)
I'm so happy for your new family. James is a very beautiful baby! Congratulations!
congrats to the whole family!
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