Thursday, November 13, 2008


I don't think I have shared these pictures here yet. Some of you may have seen them in other places, but I thought they would be fun to share here.

This is the picture I took immediately after seeing "pregnant" on the test. I told Rod about the pregnancy by making him scroll through a bunch of cat pictures then he came upon this one!
This is the picture I took of Rod as he was jumping all over the kitchen after I told him!


jinxi~ aka angi said...

Im so glad you captured these moments!!!

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

That's so cute! LOL

Angela said...

Great pictures! :) I love the expressions. :p Norman was just glad this time that I let him sleep past 5:45am this time...with Troy I came jumping on the bed. :p

Kimmy said...

These are cute pictures for sure. Cute way to tell him too.

Becky said...

haha the look on your face!! looks like you have a death grip on that test too. awesome pics brooke!