The u/s technician said that I have a good amount of amniotic fluid. I was glad to hear that because my poor sister who is on bedrest due to high blood pressure also has low amniotic fluid. The "normal" level of amniotic fluid allowed us to actually get a few good pictures of Baby Kerbs!
At this point he is measuring about 6lbs 9oz but they said the estimate could be off by as much as one pound in either direction. If he continues growing at this pace and is delivered on his due date, it is estimated that he would weigh approximately 8lbs 9oz.
He has really long legs which makes sense because both Rod and I have long legs. Baby Kerbs was moving all over the place and doing everything he is supposed to do! It was fun watching his little heart beat away and I also got to see him practicing his breathing.
Here are a few pictures for you...
A profile shot.

The u/s technician pointed out that he has lots of hair. Let's see...long legs and tons of hair. Yep, he's definitely Rod's son! :)

A foot. I also got to see both of his little hands waving at me.
Proof that he is still a boy. Although, she labeled the parts ("S" for scrotum and "P" for penis), I still can't really tell what I'm looking at.
Thanks for looking!!!
I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM! These are great! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this with me/us!
Thanks girls! Yes, he is head down. The doctor told me that last time, but I still feel like he's sideways.
Awe, he looks so cute! We can't wait to meet him! Was his little foot kicking you? It looks like that is the bottom of his foot. Maybe your gonna have a little Gabriel. hehe
Lenny and I where just talking about how your ultrasound should the opposite of Nathan and Gabriel's, No Hair and very Short legs. lol The legs where the only parts of their bodies that always measured less then they should.
How do we get to the guess the baby's weight, date and things? I can't remember how and It will be interesting to see if anyones guess was close.
*showed not Should... I really need to reread things I write..
Cherie, he was kicking around, but I couldn't feel it at the time. I think our little guy is fairly calm. I do want to get a video of him moving from the outside, though. Remember that one you posted when you were pregnant with Gabriel? It is so weird to see!
The place to guess time/date/weight/etc. is then type in Kerbs.
I remember, the hospital where we got our ultrasounds gave us the option to have them made right there (free of charge!) We have one of Nathan too. Maybe if you ask they can make you one?
Im sooo happy to know that all is ok and that he is moving around being all crazy in there. When I picture you saying he is definitely Rods boy.. I see a baby with Rods head superimposed ya know.. laffin. I cannot wait for this lil man's arrival! Thank you for sharing your journey!
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