Well MWW is over the chocolate milk phase. It is unfortunate that she has not, as of yet, entered the holy grail of cravings; the pizza phase. How I long for the heartburn to go away so that she can once again enjoy the myriad of flavors locked within a pinnapple and chicken bar-b-que pizza from Ledo's. On the brighter side, she is really enjoying sleeping in on Sunday's. And I encourage her to take regular naps. This has caused a significant drop in my practice on the trumpet, trombone, saxophone, et al. But no worries :) Once the baby is actually here, noise will once again rule the world!
Sounds like sympathy pregnancy to me ;) hehe
Glad Brooke is getting some much needed rest. So nice of you to encourage and understand!
Sleeping is good.. I remember a time I once slept...You should take some naps too. You can always practice your music outside in the back yard. Im sure your neighbors will appreciate it. Especially early in the morning music practice. :)
Cherie, last week he played the tuba outside and the neighbors were all laughing at him. I'm glad I wasn't home!
Laughing at him?! How bad are you, Rod?
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