OK, I know it is early but I am starting to think about what essential items we will need for this baby. Give me your best kept baby gadget secrets! What was something you could not have lived without for your babies? Is there something you saw someone else using with their baby that you thought was super cool? Help me out here!
On the right you will see pictures of a couple of things I know I want. 1) A baby sling. 2) Bumbo seat. 3) Swaddle Me blanket.

Didn't the Bumbo seats have a recall? I remember my friend had one.....maybe they fixed the newer models. Just warning you! My BFF SWEARS by her little vibrator bouncy baby chairs. They're like $30 I think. She's had them for each baby(4) and they've all worked like a charm! (Calm down the baby, help the baby sleep, etc)
I will have to look into that recall thing. Thanks for the info, Cat! :)
Nursing shawl! The ones from onestepahead.com are wonderful! Of course, I love everything from that catalog! It's addictive!
gac, reveal your true identity...I cannot figure out who you are! :)
But, I thank you for your idea of the nursing cover-up. I need to add that to my "must have" list.
Clicked through from 2Peas...
I loved my hotsling. I prefer to be as minimalist as possible in the baby stuff department because it takes up so much space. But my hotsling I couldn't live without. :)
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Babies are so exciting! Second, I had that exact same baby sling (same fabric pattern and all) and I loved it. More importantly, my ds loved it! I definitely recommend it. My other must have was a curved pillow to help with pre-pregnancy belly aches, nursing/feeding, tummy time and whatever else we needed it for at the time. I would also suggest a nursing shawl/blanket if you plan on breastfeeding. I never had one but wish that I had after hearing so many raving about them. Hope that helps. :o)
Ooh! Thought of something else! :op Sleep sacks! Those are great if you happen to have a nighttime kicker, like we did, because they guarantee that the baby is covered throughout the night.
Nathan sits in the Bumbo seat but I would not place him anywhere else beside the carpeted floor when he's in it. He hasn't tipped it over yet but he does try. It does come in handy when playing with Gabriel in his room, having Nathan sitting with us. You can have ours if you want it. Its the blue one you have in the picture.
All my kids loved being in a bouncer starting about 4 months. we always had the one that you hook up to the beam but after I had Nathan I saw this one:
Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Freestanding Bouncer,
one of Tala and Kalia's cousins have it and loves it. I really wished I knew about free standing bouncers lol
*A front carrier like a snugli that faces the baby forward and backwards
*burp cloths
*diaper genie
*nursing cover ie Hooter Hider
*Highchair that leans back-starting at about seven weeks Troy would join us at the table so that we could eat without holding him
*tub that fits on the sink for easy bathing
*granola bars and a big bottle of water nearby if you nurse
*counter-top bottle warmer-great for heating up milk to mix with cereal and also for Daddys to feed with:p
I think there were more but I'll have to try and remember them!
I believe bumbo seats were recalled to let people know that if you place your child on a table near the edge that they can fall and get hurt. I think the only difference now is that they have a warning label.
oh, and if you want to save on baby food go to PA and buy it there. There's not tax on baby food in PA.
I sooo wish that we'd had a Bumbo chair.. While working at Archivers one of my coworkers had a baby boy and she said it was the best invention! haa I also wished that Id had a Boppie!
As far as us...music, mirrors and vibrating toys. Anything that you can lay them on their backs and when they kick it makes noise. Like this: http://www.target.com/Einstein-Lights-Melodies-Activity-Center/dp/B000HZBZ16/sr=1-3/qid=1221185304/ref=sr_1_3/602-3823899-9831860?ie=UTF8&rh=k%3Ababy%20activity%20center&page=1 Also, a walker! I sincerely like walkers better than stable play stations. Something without too many distractions.. I think it helps with their walking skills!
Good luck .. you are going to be a great MOM! You already are! :)
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